Be Proactive
I.T. is not magic or bulletproof.
Systems do crash. Downtime will happen. Data will get lost. Viruses will reap havoc. Theft is inevitable.
If at least one of these finds its way into your reality, it’s too late. Without proper documentation and understanding of the systems, even the brightest technician may cause more harm than good. This is why it’s important to understand that the lack of review and maintenance of your infrastructure will turn into problems and losses that may cost thousands more than the initial implementation.

How much thought have you put into business continuity?
How much thought have you put into actual up-time? Did you know the difference between 99% and 99.999% uptime/availability is about 4 days a year? Can you afford to be down 4 days a year? Or is even 5 minutes of downtime too much?
What about security? There are eight new network threats per day on average. Are you protected?

Want to leave the office comfortable for a change? We all do.
Server, desktop, and networking equipment represent a substantial investment for today’s businesses. Protect your investment! Get our professional services team to document your infrastructure, schedule effective backups, and design a recovery plan for your company.
We will perform regular maintenance and keep updated documentation of all crucial systems to mitigate downtime.
Our streamlined, preventative maintenance plans provide insurance for your computing environment that minimizes downtime and maximizes the return on investment. These DISCOVER – HEAL – PROTECT services provide the security of knowing that your systems are covered by qualified service engineers and certified support technicians.

Security Health Checks
What we do:
•A thorough check for currently known security vulnerabilities that may be present in your network
•An expert analysis of your overall risk level
•Completion or recommendation for eliminating all found security threats

Security Health Check Levels
Basic Security Scan
• Status of 65,536 ports of each computer
• Indications of unpatched software
• Server accessibility through routers or firewalls
• Software vulnerabilities
• Major resource vulnerabilities
• Identity and password vulnerabilities
• Default installation errors
• Presence of worms, viruses, and open back doors
Comprehensive Security Scan
• All items checked in the basic scan
• Employee information access levels
• Dangerous Internet surfing activity
• Indications of software patching failures
• Physical network architecture
• Security policy management procedures
• Indications of employee network misuse
• Presence of cracker tools on the network
• Compartmentalized or encrypted email messages

Network Health Checks
A Network Health Check is a network audit designed to provide analysis of the network infrastructure state, as well as recommendations for improved performance and lower operating costs.
When combined with the Security Heath Check, a Network Health Check provides a more complete picture of your network issues, as well as specific recommendations for achieving a more secure and stable network.
What we do:
•A diagram of your network infrastructure
•Software and hardware inventory, including physical connections
•Connectivity checks
•Recommendations for smoother operation
•Recommendations for increased productivity
•Recommendations for lower operating costs
•Recommendations for existing problem solutions

"Why should I have a Network Health Check?"
You should regularly check the health of your network to detect and diagnose existing problems, find solutions, and prevent future network problems by using the health check as a baseline upon which to plan network upgrades. Regular health checks are important because it is nearly impossible to keep changes and problems from creeping in overtime.
A Network Health Check will provide recommendations to ensure that your network:
•is operating in optimal condition
•is operating under the optimal configuration
•is fully documented for easy management and future planning
•is running the latest service packs and hotfixes
•is running up to date virus software
•is as secure as possible
Nology Solutions considers the information gathered during a network health check so valuable that we conduct a network health check at the beginning of every major outsourced managed project initiative.